Sonntag, 5. August 2012

Disappointment and hope ...

....sometimes lie close together.
I am just back from a visit to Mr. Dang Vinh Hue. He is the president of the German-Vietnamese-Friendship-Comitee here in Nha Trang.
He studied in Moritzburg, so he speaks a good German. After I explained the situation to him and he has read the files and information he understood the situation perfectly well. He even phoned the house of Madame Doan Di Duc's son here in Nha Trang and spoke to a woman there.
Later he told me: The son of Madame Doan Di Duc just died a month ago. He was born in 1946, so he might  have had remembered my father and his family.
This was disappointing - I have had so much confidence to be able to speak with him.
But the hope is: We will go to the families house tomorrow and the grand daughter of Madame Doan Di Duc will see us. There are still five children of this man living in the area of the farm, which is only some 10 to 15 km away from Nha Trang.
There were some informations in that phonecall that they even be a chance that they remember the wife and child. But this has to be clarified during the visit tomorrow.

Mr. Dang Vinh Hue

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